"There's nothing as nice as someone who shares, your laughter, your secrets, your wishes and cares, someone who's there through your good times and tears, who stays by your side as your friend through the years."
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Jalan-Jalan cari rumah..
Last Oct 2011, dlm kebuzian preparation for year end closing..sy, hubi & adam sempat bjln2 mengusha rumah. As my wishlist for year 2012..sy mahukan sebuah rumah di KL or Klang Valley. Rumah hubi kt JB pn da ade tenant..lgpn i dun think i will move to JB as per planning before. Byk factor yg tidak mengizinkan..especially selepas pemergian ayahanda tercinta, maka ibunda tercinta lebih selesa duduk bersama sy di Rawang. So misi pencarian pn bermula..kami mensasarkan rumah di kawasan sg buloh, Shah Alam, Rawang, Serendah, Ijok or Kota Puteri. Kt Kota Puteri? Ok...tp a bit far from Rawang. Once keluar dr Tol Latar..it takes around 10 minutes nk smpai Kota Puteri. But i admit...rumah kt situ sgt canteks. I even fall in luv with Puteri Ariel..tp bile memikirkan agak jauh untuk smpai ke office..sy agak berbelah bagi disitu. Harga? Baru 210K oke...! Sy sempat mengusha luar dalam rumah Puteri Ariel...dalamnye mmg ade 'wauuu' factor. Mmg sungguh berkenan dgn design show house tu. Tambahan show house tu didecorate dgn mini waterfall inside the house..sgt menenangkan bile terdengar deruan air yg mengalir dicelah-celah batu.
Kalau la Puteri Ariel berdekatan dgn Rawang, dh lame sy beli. Tak terlalu besar & tak terlalu kecil, juz nice for medium size of family like us even our family will keep on expanding pn...insya'Allah muat rasenyer:). So kami berjalan-jalan pula ke area sg buloh - saujana rawang. Bandar Seri Coalfield is still in progress for construction. Completed around 2013 (if im not mistaken la)? Wah..quite long time for us. Cant wait for another 1 more year..in fact, the house price keep on rising and continuously rise due to alot of factors. Lepas tu kami singgah ke Glomac sales office at Saujana Sg Buloh...the only house left is starting from RM400K...wahhhhhh...xmampu makcik! Moreover, we will not spend much for our new house at KL. Masih merancang untuk ade sebuah lg rumah di Terengganu for long term, insya'Allah. Masih bermimpi untuk membela itik putih yg comel.., bersama mini-mini kebun sayur..kacang bendi, cili api, daun sup, pokok daun kari..pokok terung..wahhh2 klu bab berangan!
Selepas habis round area Sg buloh, Ijok, Kota Puteri..kami berbalik semula ke area rawang, serendah...tibe2 sy ternampak rumah ni. Series, saya jatuh cinta dgn design rumah ni..modern kontemporari...(apakah?). Verbally, loan dh approve..cuma blm sign any documents..insya'Allah, klu ade rezeki...by next week or another week br nk sign. Hmm..cantek kn?
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ruangan bersantai dibahagian atas.. |
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Master bedroom.. |
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2nd bedroom... |
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adam plk yg eksited... |
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ruangan bhgian atas yg memberi ketenangan.. |
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i wish my kitchen nnti will look much like dis..:-)). i love the material.. |
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living room & dinning room...x la besa sgt.. |
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halaman rumah..maybe muat myvi + wira..klu myvi + navara x muat kot.. |
Selepas habis round area Sg buloh, Ijok, Kota Puteri..kami berbalik semula ke area rawang, serendah...tibe2 sy ternampak rumah ni. Series, saya jatuh cinta dgn design rumah ni..modern kontemporari...(apakah?). Verbally, loan dh approve..cuma blm sign any documents..insya'Allah, klu ade rezeki...by next week or another week br nk sign. Hmm..cantek kn?
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sgt jatuh cintaaaaaa..... |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
little precious...
My Precious little baby
I have loved you from the start
You are a tiny miracle
laying closely to my heart
Each day I feel your present
Each day you quickly grow
Each day your heart beats slowly
as only I could know
So I'll keep this in a special place
And remember each year through
of this very special time of life
The month I carried you
I have loved you from the start
You are a tiny miracle
laying closely to my heart
Each day I feel your present
Each day you quickly grow
Each day your heart beats slowly
as only I could know
So I'll keep this in a special place
And remember each year through
of this very special time of life
The month I carried you
lots of love...
Amazing, acknowledge them.
Believable, trust them.
Childlike, allow them.
Divine, honor them.
Energetic, nourish them.
Fallible, embrace them.
Gifts, treasure them.
Here now, be with them.
Innocent, delight with them.
Joyful, appreciate them.
Kindhearted, learn from them.
Lovable, cherish them.
Magical, fly with them.
Noble, esteem them.
Open minded, respect them.
Precious, value them.
Questioners, encourage them.
Resourceful, support them.
Spontaneous, enjoy them.
Talented, believe in them.
Unique, affirm them.
Vulnerable, protect them.
Whole, recognize them.
Xtraspecial, celebrate them.
Yearning, notice them.
Zany, laugh with them.
Believable, trust them.
Childlike, allow them.
Divine, honor them.
Energetic, nourish them.
Fallible, embrace them.
Gifts, treasure them.
Here now, be with them.
Innocent, delight with them.
Joyful, appreciate them.
Kindhearted, learn from them.
Lovable, cherish them.
Magical, fly with them.
Noble, esteem them.
Open minded, respect them.
Precious, value them.
Questioners, encourage them.
Resourceful, support them.
Spontaneous, enjoy them.
Talented, believe in them.
Unique, affirm them.
Vulnerable, protect them.
Whole, recognize them.
Xtraspecial, celebrate them.
Yearning, notice them.
Zany, laugh with them.
Faedah berbengkung selepas bersalin
- Dipercayai dapat mengempiskan perut
- Mengecutkan rahim selepas bersalin'
- Mengelakkan masalah buncit
- Mengembalikan kedudukan peranakan
- Menghilangkan sakit belakang
- Merampingkan perut
- Memepercepatkan pengeluaran darah kotor
- Mengelakkan badan daripada 'masuk angin'.
- Menyokong rahim supaya tidak jatuh dari kedudukan asal
- Untuk memperoleh badan yang sihat dan langsing
- Mengelakkan penggumpulan lemak dibahagian-bahagian tertentu terutamanya pinggang dan paha.
- Membantu mengawal selera makan
- Menegangkan kembali otot2 perut
Bagi yang bersalin secara c-zer, adalah digalakkan untuk menunggu dalam masa 2 minggu - 1 bulan sebelum memakai bengkung kecuali bengkung moden yang disediakan khas untuk ibu yg bersalin c-zer.
Krim Barut Nona Roguy
Krim Barut Nona Roguy
Digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengencangkan kembali otot-otot perut terutamanya bagi wanita selepas bersalin. Juga digunakan untuk membantu melegakan sakit sendi dan otot.
- Mengecutkan rahim, mengeluarkan darah nifas dan kotoran dari rahim.
- Mengembalikan kesegaran kulit perut yang lembik dan mengurangkan kedutan, parut dan jalur pecahan pada perut.
- Mengempiskan perut yang buncit dan merampingkan pinggang
Diamalkan bermula hari ke 4 - 40
Monday, February 6, 2012
Demam Viral - viral fever
Adam started got fever on last Monday. With some knowledge which i got thru books, paper and Mr Google..i continuously monitor his temperature during day and night. This is very important to ensure that his temperature is within an acceptable range. The baby is advised to wear in very minimal clothing in order to prevent his temperature from sudden spike.
Actually there is no single value to define as fever, however the following measurement are generally accepted values:
Mula2 planning nk pg specialist at Putra Medical Centre, sg buloh..tp dsebabkan dah full and pediatrician also strongly suggested adam to be warded for close monitoring, so..kitorg terus drive to the nearest medical centre which is tropicana. Actually, tropicana ni pernah dtg to our perodua for promotion. His temperature is 39.2C on the first screening test. So, nurse terus masukkan ubat thru his rectum. After register, kitorg waiting for pediatrics for further checkup. Adam give his innocent smile and seems very happy when he first met Dr Lim who will be incharged on our case. Tp his expression totally changed after Dr Lim trying to insert a stick to check his throat condition, he really2 hates it, seriously! According to Dr Lim, his throat quite red and based on his observation and experienced on Adam's condition..the rashes is not measles since it appear inconstantly. So he takes throat swab test for influenza and blood test for further assessment. But the result for blood test will takes quite sometime. Alhamdulillah, the result of influenza is -ve.
On his 2nd days at Tropicana, Adam still got fever but the temp is still in acceptable range which below than 39C. We take out all his cloth and he only wearing diapers until the next day. The spotted still sprout all over his body and we still keep on sponging his head and body to reduce temperature and applying Eurax cream four times a day and also take 3 different medicine which is pro-biotic, paracetamol and cetirizine. Dr ckp..'i think its not measles, sbb adam look so happy and active. Usually, based on my experienced...any infant who suffer measles will have a bit chronic cough. This spotted is also not a sign of dengue'. Then,Dr Lim keep continuously visit him 3 times a day. Adam seems ok, but he became sgt2 manje wif his ayah yg rajin mendukung..take him outside the room. sometimes he crying and tertonggeng mybe because he felt dizziness due to the effects of meds taken. After he sees Dr Lim for a few times, Adam will start a little whimpering every-time the door open by the nurse..and crying every time doc trying to check her lung and take his temperature. Its funny when he also crying when he sees the cleaner came for room cleaning..:)
Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT whom with His willingness..together with an intensive care by his parents and with the helps of doc and nurses..Adam has no more fever on the next day. So he will be able to discharge by that evening...:-). Now, still awaiting blood test from the doc. Hopefully its only normal kinda viral or measles...
Actually there is no single value to define as fever, however the following measurement are generally accepted values:
- Rectal temperature above 100.4ºF (38ºC)
- Oral temperature above 100ºF (37.8ºC)
- Axillary (armpit) temperature above 99ºF (37.2ºC)
- Ear (tympanic membrane) temperature above 100.4ºF (38ºC) in rectal mode or 99.5ºF (37.5ºC) in oral mode
- Forehead (temporal artery) temperature above 100.4ºF (38ºC)
"In the eyes of a child...there is joy, there is laughter... there is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future..."
Mula2 planning nk pg specialist at Putra Medical Centre, sg buloh..tp dsebabkan dah full and pediatrician also strongly suggested adam to be warded for close monitoring, so..kitorg terus drive to the nearest medical centre which is tropicana. Actually, tropicana ni pernah dtg to our perodua for promotion. His temperature is 39.2C on the first screening test. So, nurse terus masukkan ubat thru his rectum. After register, kitorg waiting for pediatrics for further checkup. Adam give his innocent smile and seems very happy when he first met Dr Lim who will be incharged on our case. Tp his expression totally changed after Dr Lim trying to insert a stick to check his throat condition, he really2 hates it, seriously! According to Dr Lim, his throat quite red and based on his observation and experienced on Adam's condition..the rashes is not measles since it appear inconstantly. So he takes throat swab test for influenza and blood test for further assessment. But the result for blood test will takes quite sometime. Alhamdulillah, the result of influenza is -ve.
On his 2nd days at Tropicana, Adam still got fever but the temp is still in acceptable range which below than 39C. We take out all his cloth and he only wearing diapers until the next day. The spotted still sprout all over his body and we still keep on sponging his head and body to reduce temperature and applying Eurax cream four times a day and also take 3 different medicine which is pro-biotic, paracetamol and cetirizine. Dr ckp..'i think its not measles, sbb adam look so happy and active. Usually, based on my experienced...any infant who suffer measles will have a bit chronic cough. This spotted is also not a sign of dengue'. Then,Dr Lim keep continuously visit him 3 times a day. Adam seems ok, but he became sgt2 manje wif his ayah yg rajin mendukung..take him outside the room. sometimes he crying and tertonggeng mybe because he felt dizziness due to the effects of meds taken. After he sees Dr Lim for a few times, Adam will start a little whimpering every-time the door open by the nurse..and crying every time doc trying to check her lung and take his temperature. Its funny when he also crying when he sees the cleaner came for room cleaning..:)
Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT whom with His willingness..together with an intensive care by his parents and with the helps of doc and nurses..Adam has no more fever on the next day. So he will be able to discharge by that evening...:-). Now, still awaiting blood test from the doc. Hopefully its only normal kinda viral or measles...
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on his 3rd day.. |
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still active playing around.. |
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the rashes spread all over his shoulder.. |
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at putra medical centre, but unfortunately all ward already full.. |
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at tropicana medical centre..after screening test.. |
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his 1st nite at tropicana |
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playing.. |
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his 2nd day.. |
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the rashes already spread all over his face and all parts of his body..smpai sembab2 muka encik adam.. |

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he luvs my snickers.. |
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he really luv his pillow.. |
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the dinner provided by tropicana.. |
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his smile always makes my day! |
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he luv apple too.. |
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lunch provided on 3rd day at tropicana |
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he was soo happy to see his ashu.. |
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the room.. |
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alhamdulillah, ready to discharge..:) |
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still monyoks.. |
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