Semalam Adam genap 3 month. Progress? Macamm2:
- Berat? 4.8 Kg on 18/06/2011.
- Hair: Straight
- Skin: Fairer and becoming more brighter and brighter per day...hehe
- Nose: Clean. Mancung ikut ayahh...
- eye color: Dark brown - yg ni polo kaler mata i la rupenyer...he;p
- Dimple: xtau origin sbb mama ngn ayah die xde dimple in both side of cheek pn. Maybe terkenan la tu..
- Length: x pasti...lupe mama nk soh ayah bli measurement tape...
- Vocab: Ager, ge, ki, aki, boo, aboo, aper....skrg ni mama in progress to teach adam how to pronounce 'Allah', 'Ayah', 'Mama'. Chaiyook Adam...
- Interests: Milk, Sleep, likes to chukle without im even tickling him, always crying for a milk, smile, like communicates to people in his baby lang and also like when people talking to him (usually he will responds well when people talk to him), Able to make loud noises
- In less than 1 month, he already able to hold his head up, but still needs our support la..
- Still in progress to learn how to use his fingers to reach and touch an objects.
- Dh pandai move his legs up..
- Sucking his fingers with a bit noises when he wanted a milk..
- he likes when people taking his pics...( sory hubi, i was once a perodua Calendar girl for year 2011 while 3 month preggy...hehe, no wonder he likes taking pics a lot)
Did you know?
Touch is the only sense that gives your baby three things they need. It provides a sense of safety and security, gets them involved with the world around them and is a way that you can communicate with them and they can respond to you. As if you needed an excuse for more cuddles!
ok..ready2..mama is taking my pics.. |
Ok ke mama senyum mcm ni??? |
x Ok? Abes nk senyum mcm mane plak? |
Camni ker? |
Mcm ni plak ker? |
Or mcm ni? Tangan Adam camni ok x? |
Or mama nk tangan adam buat camni? Mcm pistol? |
Buat muke manje mcm ni?? |
camni hensem x mama?? |
Mama, adam da penat plak...buat senyuman dak hensem jela..
Dah la mama...malu la adamm..stop taking my pics..
Subhanallah...Indahnye kamu wahai anak....
3 month preggy. son la kan...ekeke....;p |
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