
Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Fever

Yes...yess...yessza. Friday tiba akhirnye. Sukenye hati. Tmrow da plan ngn hubi nk bw faris g naik genting. Adiknye fateh..tinggal kt uma jela yer...awak kecik lg:D. Biar uncle & icik Yang (panggilan manje faris kt aku) pegi jln bw abg faris. Lagipn cuaca maybe sejuk..nnti sian plak kt fateh kesejukkan. (Ah...alasan..hehe). Fateh kecik lg..nk bw pn x brani. Sian la kt kitorg nnti kena jage...buatnye tgh2 on da way..fateh menangis cari mak die..abessss.

Hari ni nsib baik x byk dlm tgh hari..kak suzi dh assign aku utk handle testing for asset mgt. Sgt2 klakar..berkaitan dgn IT Policy. Lepas more folder more pc remoting. GILE. Camne la ade team yg blh agree to implement this method. Terang x payah bersuluh lagi nyata...method ni akan menyusahkan semua org. FUNNY. Camne kitorg developer nk check sql statement dkt pc kitorg, thats mean...we will not be able to remote our pc anymore. I think..they need to study alot on this matter before simply agreed to apply those method. Nmpak sgt diorg ni mcm xde buat2 cari keje. Ok..fine..tapi jgn la smpai menyusahkan developer. The reason why they doing this is bcoz they want to reduce virus spreding. Maklum la..on last 3 month..bcoz of the virus..all developer kena trun padang..(bukan trun padang bola ye...trun site) to apply latest microsoft patch. Mmg sgt2 penat..since we need to apply patch to all users' pc. So..can u imagine, if one department..let say Distribution dept got almost 50 we will go one by one. Tp..jgn la smpai x bleh remote pc user. Ssh la dveloper nk buat keje. Problem skit dh kena trun site. Hmmm..ntah la. Tgk jela nx week camner. We'll see...dh malas nk comment ape psl nih..huhu...

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